What does fleet management actually involve?
Fleet management involves the administration, planning, control and monitoring of vehicle fleets.
The aim is to keep the rented fleet permanently running in order to ensure maximum utilisation for the renter.
Who reports a damaged wagon?
As a rule, damage must be reported by the transporting railway undertaking.
Loaders and unloaders report damage directly to the supervising damaged wagon manager.
Will I be informed about damaged wagons?
We inform our customers immediately after receiving a damage report.
Who organises mobile deployment?
Mobile deployment is commissioned and supervised by us as your damaged wagon manager.
Do you also rent out tank wagons?
Dettmer Rail has its own rented fleet, which it also rents out directly to customers.
How can I rent a tank wagon?
Just get in touch with us!
Can I also rent a tank wagon just once?
This is possible in principle and is usually highly dependent on the product to be transported. The key feature here is its suitability for alternate loading.
What is a ‘Revision’ (inspection)?
This is the TÜV (German technical inspection body) test for tank wagons.
At what intervals do the general inspection and boiler inspection take place?
Inspection intervals are the responsibility of the owner and are between four, six and eight years. In contrast, the boiler inspection must be carried out every four years.
What are the advantages of a telematics system?
Timely and independent monitoring of wagon movements.
Can I equip my fleet with a telematics system?
Every freight wagon can be equipped with a telematics device upon agreement with the wagon owner and at a low additional cost.
Can I track my transportation in real time?
Yes. If the wagons are equipped with a telematics system and the reported data is available on a telematics platform, you can track transportation practically in real time – almost real time, as the devices report at intervals of more than 60 seconds.
How can I monitor my fleet with a telematics system?
The telematics data can be processed by an external service provider, for example. The wagon owner only has to transmit the telematics data to the respective service provider via an interface.
On which devices can I track my transportation?
Data is processed on a telematics platform and made available in a web front end that is also suitable for smartphone use.
What is block train transport?
As a rule, a wagon group of 12 wagons or more with the same dispatch and reception points forms a block train.
How will I be informed about the status of my transport?
If requested and possible, information is provided by your agent at our Operations Department, as well as via electronic data transmission.
Do you also handle single wagon transportation?
Dettmer Rail also offers services for single wagon transportation.
Do you also handle international transport?
Our service portfolio includes transport on the European standard gauge network (almost all European countries with the exception of Spain and Portugal).
In which countries do you operate?
Essentially, we offer transport services in all European countries. Our main transport axes for block train services run from the Netherlands and Germany to Hungary and Romania, as well as Switzerland, and of course vice versa. We travel to all destinations within Germany.
Can my transport be delayed?
Of course, delays are possible because in rail transport many elements have to come together so a train can set off. External reasons for delays may include a timetable change by DB Netz at short notice, a train driver’s sudden absence and longer journey times due to construction work on the line.
Will I be informed of any delay?
This is one of our core tasks. We notify you of any delay as soon as the information is available.
Which part of the supply chain do you organise in your supply chain management?
In supply chain management, we link ship and rail as transport modes through product handling at a tank farm. In this way, we connect economic regions where one of the transport modes is less prevalent.
What are exceptional costs?
Costs that were not foreseeable when the quotation was calculated and that are unexpectedly incurred during transport. These include diversion costs in the event of route closures at short notice or due to instructions from DB Netz AG. They may also be unscheduled storage costs if the wagons cannot be unloaded at the consignee.
When do I have to register my transport?
Many elements have to come together before rail transport starts. We need the orders for the following week by no later than Tuesday evening of the previous week so all operational parameters can be coordinated.
Is Dettmer Rail a railway undertaking?
As a rail forwarding company, Dettmer Rail works with many railways, but is not itself a railway undertaking. We are able to discuss railway-related matters with our service partners because our employees are qualified to do so.
Is Dettmer Rail a climate-friendly company?
We use electric locomotives powered by green electricity where possible. In this way, we want to make rail, already a green mode of transport, even more environmentally friendly.
What information does Dettmer Rail need to prepare a quotation?
Dispatch and receiving station including sidings.
Quantities to be transported per train or planned quantity over a period of time.
Product information including safety data sheet (for dangerous goods).